Here is a simple list of tricks, and smart ideas, when dealing with the overwhelming urge to stray off your best diet intentions. We all know how easy it is to give into temptation, but we also have the strength to take over our health, by simply using our minds.
There are bound to be some things on the list that you have heard before such as fooling your eyes, and your stomach, by using smaller serving plates and piling your food high showing abundance. Not a bad reminder, but one of my favorites is using your phone to help you control your habits. Using our smartphone’s alarms to remind us of snack time and the best time for meals really helps. I really love the idea of sending messages of encouragement such as, “I could eat whatever I want, OR I can lose weight and be healthier”.
It’s both fun, and constructive, to make a Top Ten List of Diet Distractions. From watching an episode of a favorite TV series to taking a walk, doing your nails or even playing a video game, these distractions will help you get past some of the bigger temptations. Remember to keep drinking water while you do these things. It assists in hydration and does fill the tummy.,,20915459,00.html#go-back-in-time–0
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