Sameera H. Khan RPA-C, RDN, MBA
Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Physician Assistant, Best Selling Author, Professional Speaker, and Nutrition Adjunct Professor specializing in Client Support and Weight Loss Programs
Sameera has over two decades of experience applying sound nutrition practices to specific patient needs. By making dietary changes with the tools of knowledge, strategy, and support, patients can take control of their health, heighten their energy and reduce the risk of disease.
Her Private Practice accommodates clients via one-on-one consultations in her office, and with virtual meetings online, for clients at a distance.
Proactively accommodating our social media culture, Sameera provides maintenance and support to online group pages, answering questions about product choices, and guiding clients through social events presenting food choice dilemmas. This online participation has created a strong community among both traditional weight loss, and bariatric clients.
While her primary focus is assisting adult individuals with weight loss needs, good health starts young and many of her client base are 13-18 years old. Sameera creates personalized weight management programs for their better health goals.
She also provides counsel and sports nutrition for athletes for their training, strength building and performance excellence. Clients include state championship athletes.
In her close work with physicians and surgeons, Sameera has provided nutritional counseling with comprehensive, easy to follow, practical steps. She conducts large and small group educational seminars about health, wellness, and eating for boosting the immune system.
Support for her clinical patients includes monthly group meetings for pre-op, post-op, six-month management along with new patient seminars. Local trips to health food stores introduce her groups to better choices in food and assistance with product choices.
Sameera just came out with her first book”Regain Be Gone” on how to maintain your weight loss after bariatric surgery.